Registrar’s Office
The Office of the Registrar maintains the integrity, 浩博体育app学生官方学术记录的准确性和隐私性.
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Office Hours
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. 到中午
1 to 4:30 p.m.
The Office of the Registrar maintains the integrity, 浩博体育app学生官方学术记录的准确性和隐私性.
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. 到中午
1 to 4:30 p.m.
Transcripts can be:
您将需要一个有效的借记卡或信用卡和电子邮件帐户. T在这里 is a $5.40 fee for each transcript.
在校学生可以通过以下途径免费获取非官方成绩单 myNest self-service.
电子成绩单只适用于2007年春季以后就读于浩博体育app的学生. 那些在2007年春季之前就读的学生可以要求书面成绩单.
The status of transcript orders can be tracked 在这里.
从A到F的每个字母都代表每学期的质量分数. 这些分数用于计算平均绩点(GPA)。. To determine the GPA for each semester, 获得的总质量分数除以该学期尝试的学时数. (成绩为S的课程不被视为学分.累积平均绩点的计算方法是将所获得的所有质量分数除以所修的所有学分.
To calculate major GPA:
以下值用于计算质量分数(将质量分数乘以课程的学期学时值).g. 在4个学时的课程中得了B,质量分12分, 2个学时的课程成绩为B,质量分6分):
A 4.00 quality points
A- 3.67 quality points
B+ 3.33 quality points
B 3.00 quality points
B- 2.67 quality points
C+ 2.33 quality points
C 2.00 quality points
C- 1.67 quality points
D+ 1.33 quality points
D 1.00 quality points
D- 0.67 quality points
F 0.00 quality points
以下成绩不计入质量分,也不影响GPA, so do not include them in your calculations:
W - Withdraw
S - Satisfactory (C- or higher)
U - Unsatisfactory (D+ or lower)
TR - 转移 Credit
AU - Audit
EC - Extended Credit
I - Incomplete
N - Not reported (final grade delayed for administrative reasons)
注册办公室提供确认注册的信件(用于保险,税务等目的).), graduation verification and academic standing.
要获得萨斯奎汉纳大学的证明信,请填写 enrollment verification form or provide the following details: student’s name, home address, type of verification required (graduation, academic standing, enrollment), enrollment period to be verified, 以及应发送验证的姓名和地址(或传真号码).
需要填写的公司注册验证表格可以通过电子邮件发送到, faxed to 570-372-2753, or 邮件ed to:
Office of the Registrar
Susquehanna University
514 University Avenue
Selinsgrove, PA 17870-1164
Please note that, under federal law, 如属保密资料,需学生签名, 例如学生的社会安全号码或学术地位, needs to be included in any verification.
T在这里 is no charge for this request. Processing time is normally 24–48 hours.
If a tuition bill is required, please contact the 学生 Financial Services.
我们很高兴支持和鼓励学生参加信用实习. 实习是学生教育成长和发展的重要组成部分. 如果你打算实习,你必须做到以下几点:
For more information on internships, visit the Career Development Center.
非萨斯奎哈纳的学生也可以注册课程. 注册很容易,我们的学分可以转移到许多其他机构. 按以下学年注册课程.
更换文凭的费用为国内邮寄35美元,国际邮寄50美元. 如果在美国境内发货,处理时间为6-8周.S. and 10-12 weeks if shipped internationally.
To obtain a replacement, complete this form,打印并邮寄到注册办公室并付款.
If you have any questions, contact e邮件 or call 570-372-4109.
Administrative Assistant
电子邮件 Address
电话 Number 570-372-4109
电话: 570-372-4109
Fax: 570-372-2753