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一个温馨安全的校园社区. Top-ranked faculty teaching challenging courses in the arts and sciences combined with internships and research experiences. 排名前20位最具全球意识的大学. 所有这些——以及更多——都在萨斯奎汉纳等待着你!

对商业感兴趣? Susquehanna’s 西格蒙德·韦斯商学院 is AACSB-accredited, placing it among the top 5 percent of business schools worldwide. 想学习数学、科学或工程? You’ll experience hands-on research opportunities working closely with faculty, 通常早在第一年就开始了. 热爱艺术? 100% of the faculty in the arts are professional artists, musicians and writers. With more than 100 majors and minors—and self-designed majors—available, you will combine your talents and interests with your career aspirations.

国际学生服务 staff will support you through your academic transition, 文化上的调整, 住房, 在校园里工作等等. Here you will discover an inclusive community where you will develop exceptional academic skills that translate into professional success, 加上有价值的领导力, social and interpersonal skills … and memories to last a lifetime.