- Step 1 complete the Net Price Calculator; and
- 第二步,利用净价计算器的结果完成第一年财务规划计算器
- 如果有任何问题,请联系你的入学顾问或学生金融服务(SFS).
Download the spreadsheet to calculate out-of-pocket expenses
Costs / Aid |
Total |
Fall 24 |
Spring 25 |
Tuition, fees, room (double) & (standard) meal plan (if not an approved commuter) *请注意,这是住宿学生的标准直接费用. 它不反映发生的任何间接费用,也不反映单人间的可变定价, commuter meal plans, etc. |
$75,950 |
$37,975 |
$37,975 |
Subtract SU aid (scholarship/grant) |
$ |
$0 |
$0 |
Subtract Federal & State Grants (as applicable) |
$ |
$0 |
$0 |
Subtract Outside Scholarships or other Aid |
$ |
$0 |
$0 |
Subtract Federal Student Loans for dependent students. Year 1: $5,500 Gross (No more than $3,500 subsidized.) |
$5,500 |
$2,750 |
$2,750 |
$58 |
$29 |
$29 |
Remaining Costs to Attend; move to Step 3 if balance is greater than $0 |
$70,509 |
$35,255 |
$35,255 |
Step 3: Payment Plan Amount; if balance is greater than $0, move to Step 4 |
$ |
$0 |
$0 |
Step 4a: Direct PLUS Loan Amount; insert remaining “Cost to Attend” or parental contribution. |
$ |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
Step 4b: Actual PLUS Loan Amount to Request; if balance remains, move to Step 5 |
$0 |
$0 |
$0 |
Step 5: Private Student Loans; if balance remains after private student loans, 请决定自费付款或重新访问第3步付款计划选项. |
$ |
$0 |
$0 |
Remaining Payment Due or Final Balance: |
$70,509 |
$35,255 |
$35,255 |
*Please note 这个工具应该用来估计你的成本为即将到来的一年
reflects standard costs for room and meals. Please visit the http://susqu.campusdish.com/ 额外的餐饮选择/费用和学费和费用网站的“特殊费用”标签下的单人, multiple room, etc. pricing.
每个学期使用月供计划是可选的,但推荐使用,因为这是减少学生贷款债务的好方法——尤其是当你可以将这些还款分散到几个月的时候, 5, 4, or 3 months).
Pro Tip: Determine an amount you can pay monthly and utilize a payment plan. 这将减少你可能考虑通过父母或私人学生/父母贷款借款的金额.
Please visit http://mycollegepaymentplan.com/susquehanna/ for more information in April 2024. The plan’s only cost is an enrollment fee of $50 each semester.
Students & 其授权用户可以按照以下步骤设置付款计划:
为家长/支持者设立授权用户帐户(如适用). After logging into Campus Commerce:
联邦政府为受抚养学生的父母提供贷款计划,以支付教育费用. Through this program, 亲生父母或养父母或继父母可以借款最多一年的费用减去学生收到的其他经济援助. PLUS贷款提供固定利率,并可在大多数收入水平上扣除利息.
2023-2024学年的直系家长PLUS贷款利率为 8.05%. 2024-25年的利率将不迟于2024年7月公布. The U.S. Department of Education charges a 4.228% origination fee. For example, if you wish to borrow $10,000, keep in mind that 4.228% will be withheld from the loan by the U.S. Department of Education. 确定实际借款金额,包括借款费用, divide the amount you need to cover your costs for the year by 0.95772. 请记住,我们不接受“最高限额”贷款申请,请指定贷款金额.
私人贷款是需要为教育投资贷款的家庭的一个选择. 萨斯奎哈纳建议你先用尽联邦学生贷款的选择. 但是,对于希望考虑其他私人贷款的家庭,请访问我们的SU网站 pyloric.sizegenixmalaysia.com/privateloans for current information. Susquehanna强烈建议您在做出融资决定之前,将私人贷款与联邦贷款进行比较.
SFS关于您在高等教育投资的最后提醒 :